Thursday, July 26, 2012

London 2012 Olympics Women's Beach Volleyball

London 2012 Olympics Women's Beach Volleyball photo of the day - butt nearly swallows bikini bottom

Some photographers at the London 2012 Olympics unknowingly capture photographic gold and if you've paid any attention here in past years you'll know that my favorite summer Olympics sport is women's beach volleyball. That's why this photo of an unnamed female beach volleyball player caught my eye. Her bikini bottom is in real danger of being swallowed up. I suppose incidents like this almost vanishing bikini bottom are why women's beach volleyball players are always tugging at and repositioning their bikini bottoms between points. Nobody wants their bikini bottom to head too far north and while this photo is awesome to me it may be a good thing that the Olympic athlete photographed was unnamed because nobody actually wants this photo tied to her name.

Check out a whole plethora of both nipples from the Olympics and Olympic camel toe and just downright hot and sexy Olympic photos as the London Summer Olympic games go on.

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