Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bad Pregnant Family Photos

I'm not sure whether it's bad suggestions from photographers who think they are being unique or that the people posing for the photos are genuinely crazy but the simple fact is that these are flat out bad pregnancy photos.

bad pregnancy photo
Yeah you stupid d-bag, you did that to her. YOU are the reason your cheap-looking baby momma is pregnant. It didn't happen from her sitting on a toilet seat.

bad pregnancy photo
So the dog played a part in her getting pregnant?

bad pregnancy photo
A pregnant woman wrapped in plastic sheeting is supposed to be sexy or beautiful? It's not.

bad pregnancy photo
The whole pregnancy thing backfired because it looks like the dad is the pregnant one here in this photo.

bad pregnancy photo
So you plan on putting this pregnancy photo of you wearing a clown nose on your fireplace mantle?

bad pregnancy photo
This guy has a schoolgirl fetish and he shouldn't (even though his baby momma looks like she could still be in high school)

bad pregnancy photo
Just because you own a copy of Photoshop doesn't mean you should use it to add tiny toddler legs to a pregnant woman's body.

bad pregnancy photo
Huh, maybe if I had used one of these condom things I'm  holding I wouldn't be the size of a house.

bad pregnancy photo
Hey, honey, let's compare whose belly is bigger.

bad pregnancy photo
Hey, I'm pregnant and I'm planking.

bad pregnancy photo
Oh look, this pregnant lady has a baby's face on her belly. Not creepy at all.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I think I hate the toddler legs one the most... but it's difficult to say, really..