Wednesday, August 01, 2012

London Olympics - crazy face painting photos

Sometimes, the London 2012 Summer Olympics are much more than nipples, camel toes, the perfect ass or the sexy athletes. Sometimes it's the fans, cheering on those same athletes from their home country, who deserve some recognition. Check out the photos below of crazy fans who have painted their faces in unique ways to show support for their favorite athletes.

This rabid and crazy soccer fan looks like he would eat opposing fans for dinner during the London Olympics.

Go Japan! This crazy fan is wearing what appears to be a bowling pin atop his painted face at the London Olympics.

U.S.A., U.S.A.! This father and daughter duo is representing the United States and supporting the U.S. Olympic team at the London games

Proudly representing Germany, this Olympic fan could also pass for a pale faced reindeer with that red nose.

This little girl's parents spent some time painting the British flag on this proud Olympic supporter's face

This Olympic soccer fan went all out in the area of face painting for the London summer games

A female Olympic fan roots on the German team at the London 2012 Summer Olympics

Check out a whole plethora of both nipples from the Olympics and Olympic camel toe and just downright hot and sexy Olympic photos as the London Summer Olympic games go on.

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